Snapper's Battle Frontier Pokemon Search

Update 2020: If this is broken contact me on discord (snapperthetwig_vt#9009)

Search for Pokemon

Level 50: Level 100:

Search by Battle-Tower-ID:
Search by Pokemon Name:
(Protip: Only partial name required. "Dragon" will return both dragonair and dragonite)
Search by Attack:
(Protip: Only partial name required. "Attck" will return both "Faint Attack" and "Quick Attack")
Search by Held Item:
(Protip: Only partial name required. "claw" will return both "Quick Claw" and "Grip Claw")
Search by Speed Higher Than:
(Returns Pokemon with greater than or equal to speed)
Search by Speed Less Than:
(Returns Pokemon with less than or equal to speed)

How this works:

Say you're fighting a Blissey. Type in Blissey into the "name" box, and a list of possible Blissey you're facing will come up. If it makes a move, you can tell which one it is.

Raw data is sourced from Jumpman16's post on Smogon. General info can be found here.
To be added later:
+ Ability to identify which pokemon it is by trainer name/list of possible trainers.

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